Sunday, May 25, 2014


 The apartment I have arrangements to rent is not available till June 1st.
so each night my sleeping arrangements have been a little challenging.
 My 1st night was at the Kauai Beach resort, then
my boss let me rent a furnished condo for 2 nights,
then a Bishop invited me to camp at the Father and Sons outing 
(where I slept in my hammock)
  we learned to throw fishing nets into the ocean and played tug-o-war,
a 10x10 bungalow at the Anahata Sanctuary-A Spiritual B&B retreat
with "Like Minded People"
for a wk and then into the main part of the house at the retreat.
photos of the Spiritual retreat "here"  
My Sleeping, really that is what they call it.
 I wake up to sounds of rain dropping on the large Kalo Leaves,
a light breeze, geckos scurring around "laughing" and of course
the feral chickens, especially the wild rooster.

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